As you leave the ornate architecture of Rivendell behind you, with all nine members of the Fellowship in tow and a vast crawl of sun-drenched mountains before you, the nerd chills hit.

It certainly has a magical allure to it, but that magic feels borrowed rather than created. Playing through it is more or less like getting treated to a cliff notes version of the trilogy. That charm is mostly lost here though due to how directly the game apes the movies. There’s always been a certain charm to seeing simple, creative ways to translate a comic book or feature film into the LEGO universe.

Every strand of music and every line of dialogue is pulled straight from Peter Jackson’s successful film adaptions, both to the game’s benefit and detriment. Of all the LEGO games, Lord of the Rings makes the clearest effort to trade on the power of the brand it features. LEGO The Lord of the Rings Free Download Repacklab